Sunday, November 30, 2008
went for physics and chemistry tuition.
and there's no chemistry tuition next week!
man u won man city 1-0
and there's arsenal vs chelsea later!
i got my pay already!
like fianlly.

i'm already missing you.
very very badly.
it's like 4 more days till you're back ):
NLG at
11:50:00 PM
Friday, November 28, 2008
rugby training and work and steamboat dinner with the cj obs people.
by just left for perth today.
she wont be back till next thursday :(
by worte me letters for everyday.
it makes me look forward to every single day.
the sweet letters that i get to read every day.
they really make me smile deep inside.
thank you by(:

6 more days till my by comes back.
i cant wait.
NLG at
11:08:00 PM