Wednesday, November 29, 2006
chennai people!
outing tomorrow!yay!
it's been QUITE some time.
i miss chennai.
i'm begining to miss sabah too.
my group mates and bunk mates.
the times when i was so disciplined
waking up at 5.55am in the morning
just to find out that i have to lead morning exercise.
cleaning up the room for inspection.
back here it's so slack.
no need for inspection and there's no rush.
miss the discipline and order that they had there.
i havent really recovered from "dunno what it's called" yet.
still feels so slow paced.
WAKE UP glenn!!
"every second chance begins with a step!"
step up!!
NLG at
10:19:00 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
i'm bringing SEXY back!!
NLG at
2:03:00 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006

OB Sabah!!
came back this like 2 plus.
sea expedition and land expedition was fun!!
i managed to climb to the summit of mt. kinabalu.
i survived!!it was super cold up there.
i guess when you spend 12 whole days away from the comforts of home, taking a budget flight to a place like Sabah Malaysia, it really opens your eyes if you can actually be bothered to move away from your own ignorance. So maybe people complain that OBS is tough, conditions are shit, food sucks and things like that. But OB Sabah really makes you see that we Singaporeans really have nothing, absolutely nothing, to complain about. Let's say maybe if you were really spoiled then you'd continue thinking that life back home on our sunny island sucks straight to the core. If not, i'm sure you'd beg to differ once you're back here. I'm not gonna blog about our expeditions, what activities we did there and stuff like that. Sure, they were awesome, my instructors kick ass, but i don't think the expeditions(including the climb up Mt. Kinabalu) are really the only memories that we should be bringing back.
Back home on our little island, even houseflies are a rarity when you go to hawker centres. We have things like our 10-minutes mozzie wipe out, as though we're really being invaded my mosquitos. Over there in Sabah, mosquitos, bugs and everything else that crawls and flies are a daily routine. The people over there get used to it, if we brough something like a 10-minute mozzie wipe out, i'm sure they'd tell you things like a 24-hour mozzie wipe out wouldn't even do the damn trick. Their village houses have toilets with no lighting, no proper flooring, no showerheads, only taps, and all your waste gets washed to just around outside the house. And when i say no lighting, i mean you're literally pissing in the dark when it comes to nighttime. Air-conditioning is virtually non-existent when you go over there. But they have television there with cable so they're not THAT deprived. When people go over they think that you have to chop your own firewood and stuff, but though conditions are waayy less advanced compared to Singapore, they're not that backward. Its a lot dirtier over there though. So maybe its not that Singapore's clean, its just dirtier elsewhere. Their houses have wooden and cemented floors, and they have no computers. Technology is not that advanced at all. So after going to Sabah, you come back to Singapore and you realise how fortunate we all really are. No mozzie bites AT ALL. In Singapore we have so much that we really don't need at all, yet we still complain. We have so much. And the pace of life over there is so much slower. You can have lunch at 12:30, and report for the next activity at 2pm. That's how much free time they give us. Here in Singapore life is so much faster. We have to wake up for morning pt at 5:55 everyday though. Not that i mind. ha.
OB Sabah was absolutely super. I'll post pictures if i ever feel like it. You wanna know about the activities, expeditions and such, come ask me, because i'm not posting about it here, not at all. Online, offline whichever i really don't mind.
*i copied this from julian's blog.
kinda lazy to update about my 12 days in sabah.
i cant wait to go out with you.
one more day!!!i miss you(:
Come here girl, go ahead be gone with it
Come to the back, go ahead be gone with it
VIP, go ahead be gone with it
Drinks on me, go ahead be gone with it
Let me see what your twerkin' with, go ahead be gone with it
Look at those hips, go ahead be gone with it
You make me smile, go ahead be gone with it
Go 'head child, go ahead be gone with it
Get your sexy on, go ahead be gone with it
Get your sexy on.
NLG at
7:25:00 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
i dont wanna go for camp!!
i dont wanna leave for obs sabah!!
it'll be a long long wait :(
i didnt go to school for spirits prep day today.
sorry bad.
well.tomorrow i'll be there on time.(i hope.)
i'll pray that the camp would be a successful one.
thats what everyone hopes.
NLG at
7:13:00 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
i'm so going to miss u.
had psf meeting in school today.
wasn't as bad as i expected it to be.
mainly becos i did not do ANYTHING at all.
spirits comm has to go to school for prep day.
got to do up the decorations.
there's psltc friday saturday and sunday.
three long days!!
then i have obs sabah one day after that!!!
i dunno how i'm going to take it la.
so many days away from home.and YOU.
NLG at
10:19:00 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
i just came back from chennai!!
i so miss that place!!
i miss my group!!
i still have your vodka with me(:
Day 1: Monday 30th October 2006
we left singapore for chennai in the evening at around 6.30pm.
the airport was just full of joy and tears.
my parents didnt send me off.
but oh least they dropped me off at the airport.
got to be appreciative about that.
we reached chennai at about 2200 chennai time.
the 4 hour flight seem super long.
everyone was getting super restless.
chennai is about 2.5 hrs do your maths.
had our rooming done up.
we changed a bit here and there.
so in the end i roomed with aaron and hwa xiong.
in a two person room.on two beds.
dont ask how we did it.
you just got to know that we did it!!
Day 2: Tuesday 31st October 2006
the wake up call was super early!!7.00am in the morning!!
we went to vidhya mandia school for the immersion programme.
it was seriously an eye opener.
went for lunch at some shogun place.
then we had city tour.
we went to the amazingly huge library.
the st thomas church.
the kapeeleshwarar temple.
and of cos the marina beach!!
had loads of fun laughter with the whole group at the beach.
we managed to stop by a super market.
so i bought my toothbrush cos i FORGOT to bring mine.
lucky we had time.bought some snacks and chocolate holicks too.
the day went by extremely fast.
Day 3: Wednesday 1st November 2006
had the usual wake up call.
woke up for the usual bath and went to the same breakfast.
had school immersion.
and went for the heymaths conference.
it wasnt much of a conference.
but we had maths trails and stuff.
we also had to put up an item for the people there.
and i was the IMPROMTO emcee.
talked lots of bullshit la.
dont ask me what happened during the trail.
i fell super badly on my head la.
my back and butt all aching after that.
thanks everyone for the care and concern that you all showed me!
that night we had group time.
had to get together and like to discuss.
our group had so much fun la.
we all know what we did.haha.
i miss all those times(:
Day 4: Thursday 2nd November 2006
had the usual wake up call.
woke up for the usual bath and went to the same breakfast.
had school immersion.
went to the singapore tourism board in chennai.
went to meet up with the singapore consulate in india.
had some sorta conference and it really helped for our group.
after that we had some time to go shopping.
that was when i bought the sudoku book.
which i finished by the time we reached singapore airport!!
that was my goal!kinda stupid but challenging!!
bought shampoo also.cos we finished ours already.
Day 5: Friday 3rd November 2006
had the usual wake up call.
but this time we didnt wake up.
we all thought mr wong would be angry.
he wasnt cos he sait that it was becos of some miscommunication and stuff.
that was not too bad.
we left for pondicherry!!
had some sightseeing along the way.
plus toilet and lunch stops.
super long bus ride!!
did my sudoku while everyone was sleeping soundly.
only mr wong and i were awake la.
so like had no company except for my sudoku book.
reached pondicherry
Day 6: Saturday 4th November 2006
aaron and i woke up LATE!!
i tell you.we are the best roommates on earth la.
handphone alarm one wakes up.
morning call from the hotel.
no one answers.
in the end 4 sji guys like stormed into our room.
shouted at the top of their voices.
and woke the both of us up.
we went down and got screwed by mr wong real bad.
the six of us got grounded.
something that i least expected.i didnt think you would msg me.
and ask if i wanted food from the hotel.
thank YOU for caring.and offering to packet the food for us.
really appreciated that(:
we had some tour in the day.
and left for chennai.
that night was REALLY great.
talked till like 5 plus.before waking up at like 7 the next morning.
Day 7: Sunday 5th November 2006
woke up LATE again and went for mass.
naped a bit during mass.but luckily eugene was there to wake me up.thanks.
after that we had pizza hut for lunch.
then we proceeded to SOS village.
SOS:save our soul
it was like an orphanage.
but just that there were "families"
the orphans were put into different families and were brother and sisters to each other.
i fell here again.on the sand.had abrasions and all.
we all very much wanted to stay longer.
we were all moved at how they enjoyed our company even though it was just 4 hours.
our group except HIM stayed up till 5am in the morning.
we were more or less done with the project.
didnt even want to add HIS name in!
Day 8:6th November 2006
had the usual wake up call.
woke up LATE again and had school immersion.
one period of lessons.
then we had time to do our projects.
had some stem cell talk.and i slept throught the whole thing.
then we had our disastrous presentation.
we stayed up till so late to do the project.
but in the didnt turn out well.
some of the pictures appered infornt of the fonts.
so like most of our slides were jus pictures.
that wasnt the main point.
we told mr wong about the WHOLE big thing about some people not doing anything.
went to the city for some bazarre.
took the 'tuk tuk' back to the hotel.
had so much fun.
did all the last minute packing and stuff.
had dinner and was ready to leave.
Day 9:7th November 2006
touched down at like 6.05am.
left the airport only at 7
reached home at about 8.15am
bathed and slept till 5 plus
feels real good now.
sorry i have no pics.
i didnt bring my camera.
so will have to wait till people send me.
i miss all our late nights.
thanks for YOUR note that YOU wrote to me.
i recall so much memories when i'm reading them.
so much things has happened.
NLG at
6:11:00 PM