Monday, February 27, 2006
how are we going to train without a coach!
there's just no more meaning la.
no more drive in all those people anymore!
should just close down swimming!!
no doubts about that!
write a proposal to you for a coach for wat?
i should just write a proposal to disband the team!!
stop wasting all my efforts.
the teacher in charge is like not even helping to solve the matter..
maybe she's part of the problem that's why there's no solution.
i'm just super pissed about this.
i wanna play touch during p.e tomorrow..
there's ting xie tomorrow..
suppose to be today..
then all thanks to me..
acting blur dumb and cocky..
then there was no ting xie today..
NLG at
5:58:00 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
hey guys
tommorrow is monday(like duh)
that means today is sunday
and yesterday was saturday
all u people must be wondering why glenn is doing all these.
but for ur information!!!
glenn doesnt know what he is doing..
ok la..
lets just go staright to the point.
tomorrow we are "supposedly" going to tell miss lee about the changing seats and stuff.
yah. he called me and msged me to apologise.
so most probably we would be changing places.
dunno yet!!gotta wait for tomorrow.
i oso dunno wat to tell miss lee la.
never mind.
we all shall pray about it and hopefully everything goes well
anyways enough about all these stuff bugging me.
i came across this on the internet
an would like to share it.
A butcher watching over his shop is really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside the shop. He shoos him away. But later, the dog is back again.
So, he goes over to the dog and notices he has a note in his mouth. He takes the note and it reads "Can I have 12 sausages and a leg of lamb, please. The dog has money in his mouth, as well."
The butcher looks inside and, lo and behold, there is a ten dollar Note there. So he takes the money and puts the sausages and lamb in a bag, placing it in the dog's mouth. The butcher is so impressed, and since it's about closing time, he decides to shut up shop and follow the dog.
So off he goes. The dog is walking down the street when he comes To a level crossing.The dog puts down the bag, jumps up and presses the button. Then he waits patiently, bag in mouth, for the lights to turn. They do, and he walks across the road, with the butcher following him all the way.
The dog then comes to a bus stop, and starts looking at the timetable.The butcher is in awe at this stage. The dog checks out the times, and then sits on one of the seats provided. Along comes a bus. The dog walks around to the front, looks at the number, and goes back to his seat.
Another bus comes. Again the dog goes and looks at the number, notices it's the right bus, and climbs on. The butcher, by now, open-mouthed, follows him onto the bus.The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog Looking at the scenery. Eventually he gets up, and moves to the front of the bus. He stands on 2 back paws and pushes the button to stop the bus. Then he gets off, his groceries still in his mouth.
Well, dog and butcher are walking along the road, and then the dog turns into a house. He walks up the path, and drops the groceries on the step.
Then he walks back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself against the door. He goes back down the path, runs up to the door and again, it throws himself against it. There's no answer at the house, so the dog goes back down the path, jumps up on a narrow wall, and walks along the perimeter of the garden. He gets to the window, and beats his head against it several times, walks back, jumps off, and waits at the door.The butcher watches as a big guy opens the door, and starts abusing the dog, kicking him and punching him, and swearing at him.
The butcher runs up, and stops the guy. "What in heaven's name are You doing? The dog is a genius. He could be on TV, for the life of me!" to which the guy responds: "You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog's forgotten his key."
I came across this and just felt like sharing it.
I pity that dog for such an evil owner!
i was at east coast park today.
more like from the afternoon to the evening.
was playing tag rugby with
pris.sam.marylin.daphne.joanna.chris raj.zach.gereld.jon chia.noel.
thanks noel for teaching us tag rugby.
totally different from touch and contact rugby.
so many things happen then.dun feel like blogging about it.
i saw so many cute dogs..i love love..
i came home and read about this..
yah.i will blog about tomorrows happenings!!!
NLG at
10:45:00 PM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
i want you**
you and you alone!!
I dont want another pretty face
I dont want just anyone to hold
I dont want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
Youre the one I wanna chase
Youre the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I just want you and your beautiful soul
Your beautiful soul
NLG at
10:32:00 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
We dont love you no more!!!
Who in the right state of mind would give up their front seat?
Who would wanna shift from the front seat to the back?
You think that people would change their FRONT seats willingly?
So what if you are the chairman?
You think that once u are the chairman then you can have anything you wat issit?
Just because you cant see the board there doesnt mean that I can see ok
Doesnt mean that you cant concentrate there means I can
Just because you wanna concentrate means that I dont want
So what if you hold leadership qualities in the class?
What about outside those four walls of 323?
I think now we all seriously regret electing you as the chairman la.
I think Andy would make a better chairman than you!
Whos the one who locks up the classroom everyday recess?
Whos the one who locks up the classroom at the end of every day?
Shouldnt it be the chairmans job?
Then why are you leaving everything to Andy?
You just wanna suck up to all the teachers right?
In front of Miss Lee act super guai
Act super cute and all.
I tell u. u are totally acbc!!
Then join the geog project group thats taking part in the nationals.
What for?
Just to suck up to Ellen woo?
If thats you impression of being the chairman
Then I tell u.
You are wrong
And you are definitely not fit to be the chairman of 323!
I bet there are better people in the class who
1) Have better leadership qualities that you
2) Are not as irritating as you
3) Dont talk as much shit as you do
4) Carry out their responsibilities than you
Theres like so many more things to say la.
If you didnt like your place in the first place you would have told miss lee or ellen woo like long long time ago. Why do u have to wait till the 8th week then u tell the both of them?? just because u like my place??? Just because u think that u wanna concentrate and I dont??
So what? Mr chairman??
Acting guai in front of teacher wouldnt get u anywhere. Itll just make the teacher have a good impression of you. so what if they have a good impression of you when actually u are just putting on a MASK! The teacher would have a false impression of you!! You just want every teacher to be like oh, 323 chairman is this this and this. When actually that’s just the false 323 chairman.
Actually everyone thought that you would like change your irritating side and become a wonderful chairman. Yeah right!! Look now? I believe and am sure that more than half the class thinks that you are such an irritant. Go to school for what? To study right? And what are u doing everyday? Entertaining everyone with what u think is funny. When it is just pure lameness and like totally not funny and all.
Come on!! Get alive la. Even Zachary and William and everyone around you think that you are distracting them when you are there.
I dont really care about you anymore la. Jus be who you wanna be and Ill try my best to make do with whatever that has happened. Its up to you if u wanna change a not.
Whos the one who copied during Chinese spelling today?
Who like denied??
I believed chris la.
Like totally can.
He was looking at an angle and I can like confirm that u copied la
U call urself the chairman?
Setting this kind of example.
I have nothing to say!!
U just like make arron goh lose all his trust on u man.
Well, if miss lee or ellen woo finds out.
323, u will await and see that there would be a re-election of CHAIRMAN!
And be rest assured that we all have lost out trust in u.!
NLG at
7:17:00 PM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
i went for cat class today!!
and was like late la.
anyways i'll not be updating till like next thursday.
you guys know why la.
it like so obvious.common test and all.
yah.see ya guys.
NLG at
11:41:00 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
argh!so tired!
there are more and more homework piling up on my plate!!
aw.there's just so much to do now
is it really lots of homework
is it jus me???
do i know that common test is like less than 5 days away?
do i know that its like so important?
common test is less than 5 days away!!
1)the best part of this is that mdm lee hasn't finiash teaching.
2)mr tang haven't finish teaching.
omg omg how.
i dun want the common test to come la
i dun want this week to end!!
i dun want want!!**
i flopped for my e math!!!
and the worst part!!
i was super careless for my a math test!!
i gotta wake up!!
so many careless mistakes flying around my papers!!
yesterday i was at the bus stop
sen kheng came up to me and we talked!!
i found out something!!
and was like:
seng kheng:does mr g*** t**. call u everyday?
glenn:no.he used to in sec 2 cuz we were in the same class
seng kheng:do u find him very irritating?
glenn:yah like duh!! call everyday
ask for homework
ask for results
seng kheng:yyaahh..he has been calling me
ask whre i stay
he critisize me
he call me dumb
he call me stupid
he bang phone
this happens to morman too
well not only norman
jay yeo too!!
the 3 of them were like we are going to file a complain!
then he'll get demerit points!
it's between the 3 of u!!
haha.after school we were discussing about it.
me norman jay seng kheng zachary and andy!!
we were having a good laugh man
norman and jay were like lets tell mr g*** t**. to call glenn sim.
then i was like what!!
hell no man..
i have enough things to do!!
i'll be happier if g*** t** doesn't call me man.
speaking about zachary!!!
i rememberd what happened today!! wasnt thursday for him
or rather its
bad luck day!!
1st mdm lee
(who woke him up from his hiberbnation)
next mr gary sim.
mr gary sim:u dunno how to sit then u stand.
put the chair in the aisle
then it got worse very like bad la.
he rubbed it with salt!!
can u believe that
mr gary sim:u comfortable not?
mr gary sim:ok.good.comfortable then continus standing!
(zach, u should have said no!)
i just realised i typed so much!!
thanks for tagging guys.
NLG at
11:21:00 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
what was it suppose to be again???
total defence day?
well be it then.
school was normal though.
physics lesson with mr gary sim!
there were like lots of laughter.
oh well.the usual gary sim.
long thick thin big small..etc etc
why is it like this and not the other way?
why god made it like that? sim and his usual jokes.
323 knows it all.
i think he has an affection over ms l**!! that why he treats our class so well??
is that why he always humour us with his humourless jokes?
an announcement for 323.
guys, take a look at the 2005 year book!!
class 407/2005.
dont u think the 2 form tutors there look great!!
wonderful right?
323 have fun looking at the annual..
i have doubts about them too..
not too sure though.
its only the start. we will find out more in the next 2 years.
there'll be more episodes to come!
**gtg alr..
there is (someone in my life!!)
This vacations useless,
these white pills arent kind,
Ive given alot of thought on this 13 hour drive,
I miss the grinding concrete where we sat past 8 or 9,
and slowly finished laughing in the glow of our headlights,
I've given alot of thought to,
the nights we use to have,
The days have come and gone,
our live went by so fast,
I faintly remember breathing,
on your bedroom floor,
Where I laid and told you but you sweared you loved me more
Do you care if I,
dont know what to say?
will you sleep tonight?
or will you think of me?
Will I shake this off,
pretend its all okay?
that theres someone out there who feels just like me,
there is...
Those notes you wrote me,
I've kept them all.
I've given alot of though of how to write you back this fall,
With every single letter,
in every single word,
there will be a hidden message about a boy that loves a girl,
Do you care if I,
dont know what to say?
will you sleep tonight?
or will you think of me?
Will I shake this off,
pretend its all okay?
that theres someone out there who feels just like me,
There is...
Do you care if I,
dont know what to say?
will you sleep tonight?
or will you think of me?
Will I shake this off, pretend its all okay?
that theres someone out there who feels just like me,
Do you care if I,
dont know what to say?
will you sleep tonight?
or will you think of me?
Will I shake this off,
pretend its all okay?
that theres someone out there who feels just like me
NLG at
6:10:00 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
monday 13th february 2006
week 7
that means one more week to common test!
one week left!!
today rocked!!
the first period was superb!!
p.e is damn fun!
zachary came back from filling his water bottle
then he was like leading all of us in the josephian pledge!!
can u believe that??
zachary tan leading us in pledge!!
we were all there laughing!!
and before we knew anything...
it all ended!!! super fast la.
zach, u like gave urself discount right???
its like so duh we din even say the whole thing!!
then like we had to run like 4 rounds i think.
bill me edgar brandon were all laughing over
Mr S.________
haha.zach!!the way u put it was super funny!!
"i googled his last name:Padbidri!"quoted from zach
we all laughed!!
yeah. i like fully agree that he can like be super duper
at times la.i've got no choice but to be his classmate for 4 years.
so u know how it feels.
his like gay la.
nicklaus and him can be like the gay couple of 2006.!!
nicklaus:eh, mr s. come here and look at that!
(when the both of them are already so close together!!)
the both of them just wanna get closer and closer!!
and mr s. literally went nearer to nick!!
nothing to say about the both of them!
P.S.E was super fun!
go straight to the point!!
the climax : zach's shriek when he started laughing
william and i were like there at the corner doing today's sudoku
and all of a sudden we heard a shriek!!
immediatly we turned around!
william and glenn said this together(simultaneously):
"what?zachary did that?"
practically had fun the whole day in school
after school i talked to a few people!!
i was at the canteen talking to hisyam.
ya..all those stuff..
then went to the saint joseph's statue.
had time to actually chit chat with rudy and hannan
then wee kang came in
it got better, more exciting and funnier!!
and mao came it
then ruzaini came in.
what on earth were we talking about??
haha.211 stuff. with the 211 lingo.
i love all my 211 classmates.
i miss 211 so much.
oh gosh..323 is like nothing compared to 211!!
i miss u guys!!
how i wish we were still like in the same class..
that'll be fun to the core!!
never mind... at least we still have all these fun moments like this afternoon!!
NLG at
4:56:00 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
hello everyone!!
i've uploaded my photos!
go to my links
right at the bottom of the page.
u'll see (my photos)
just click the link can already
yep.i've found out how to do it already.
thx rachel for the help.
i know how to do alr.
i'll be updating more bout today later
i've got to upload more pictures from today
have fun browsing through them!!
comment on them pls!!
NLG at
5:07:00 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006

oh, now i know how to blog for him
i finally know how this works :D
NLG at
5:44:00 PM
i am not glenn ^^
and i'm so bored, so i shall blog for mr sim (:
NLG at
5:42:00 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
geog rocks!!!(not funny)
i'm now in the com lab
ellen woo rocks
323: yeah right
tomorrow going to the wetland reserve!!
no school
323 is going to agree with me!!
she doesn't even know that i'm typing
my com is not connected to hers!!
lucky com lucky me
this will be my com!!!
it will never get connected with the main com!!
finally got a chance to update
free internet
free aircon!!!
ellen woo is now scolding some people
like a market place!!
i'm like the only one typing now!!!!
okay. lesson ending soon alr..
got to sign off as fast as possible
before she comes after me.
ellen woo:glenn what do u think u are doing??
glenn:nothing mam' seriously. i mean really nothing.really sudoku rocks.
NLG at
9:53:00 AM